CINAHL. Inloggning krävs. Hälso- och vårdvetenskap Avhandlingar Böcker och bokkapitel Tidskriftsartiklar och tidskrifter.


2020-08-17 · CINAHL Complete contains full text for many of the most used journals found in the CINAHL index.. With CINAHL Complete, users can access a comprehensive scope of content covering over 50 nursing specialties as well as allied health subjects including speech and language pathology, nutrition, physical therapy and much more.

students and employees only, login with student account/LUCAT is required. CINAHL Complete provides broad content coverage including over 50 nursing  Innehåller referenser till vetenskapliga artiklar inom omvårdnad och rehabilitering. Kräver inloggning utanför regionens IP-område. Endast tillgänglig för  Fria databaser. Flera databaser kräver inga inloggningsuppgifter eller abonnemang utan är fria att söka i.

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Artiklarna analyserades enligt Friberg. Copyright © 2021 Powered By EBSCO Stacks 3.3.0 [316] | Administrator Login · Staff Directory · P. 706-507-8670 | P. 706-507-8671  Previous; 1-10 of 398 results for ""till""; Next. Copyright © 2021 Powered By EBSCO Stacks 3.3.0 [317.5] | Staff Login · Staff Directory. The databases Pub Med, EBSCO, CINAHL and ERIC were searched in 2000-2013. A limited number of studies were found; few had a comparative approach,  GDPR | Privacy Policy | EBSCO Connect. © 2019 EBSCO - All Right Reserved.

On the library home page, click A-Z of Databases.Either scroll down the page until you find the link to CINAHL or you can search for CINAHL. You will find some useful videos on how to search CINAHL on the Nursing Subject Guide.

Det grekiska ordet för kris, krisis, betyder avgörande vändpunkt. Kriser kan innebära en mängd utmaningar för samhället i stort och för de människor som drabbas, men även möjlighe CINAHL with Full text contains full-text articles from over 600 nursing and allied health journals, plus details of articles from over 2000 additional journals.. As well as full coverage of nursing and midwifery topics the database also covers topics relating to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, pharmacy, public health, health promotion, nutrition and biomedical sciences. -> Accès à CINAHL CINAHL est une base de données bibliographique qui aborde les domaines des sciences paramédicales et infirmières.

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2019-06-11 · CINAHL with Full Text (EBSCO) Indexes academic journals, standards of practice, trade magazines, continuing education units, dissertations, and more in the fields of nursing and allied health. Includes abstracts and selected full text. Coverage goes back to 1981.

This database provides indexing for more  13 Apr 2021 CINAHL – The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Login at the top left then search CINAHL for the subject you are  Features CINAHL Headings - controlled vocabulary search terms for more precise, comprehensive search results. Max number of users at a time: unlimited. Off-campus users will be prompted to log in.

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Det gäller till exempel BrowZine, CINAHL, PsycINFO och Cochrane. CINAHL · ClinicalKey · Cochrane Library · ERIC, via Ebsco · Google Scholar · IMAIOS e-Anatomy OpenAthens (inloggning) OpenAthens (inloggning). Om Cinahl. Cinahl - basic (06.54 min) · Cinahl - advanced (19:44 min) · CINAHL - en guide för sökning (21:23 min)  Cinahl with Full Text [OneSearch].

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The CINAHL Headings List (controlled vocabulary or thesaurus). In many cases, the most efficient way to search is by using these headings which are the terms used to assign subject headings to the articles in the database.

Incluye Requires login through the FIU Libraries if off campus.
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CINAHL (EBSCO). Terms and Conditions for Use of Electronic Resources Electronic resources are provided by La Trobe University Library for the purposes of 

This page describes how to access CINAHL Continuing Education Modules through your institution's Learning Management System. Please consult your institution's administrator if you need more information about your LMS or login credentials for access. Please note, a CINAHL account is required to take our courses.

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CINAHL -Headings see if there are any relevant search terms for you to use. The CINAHL Headings List (controlled vocabulary or thesaurus). In many cases, the most efficient way to search is by using these headings which are the terms used to assign subject headings to the articles in the database.

Build a DDA event Datum 2021-04-15; label_outline Artikeltyp Aktuellt; MDH-forskning för att förstå och möta kriser. Det grekiska ordet för kris, krisis, betyder avgörande vändpunkt. Kriser kan innebära en mängd utmaningar för samhället i stort och för de människor som drabbas, men även möjlighe CINAHL with Full text contains full-text articles from over 600 nursing and allied health journals, plus details of articles from over 2000 additional journals.. As well as full coverage of nursing and midwifery topics the database also covers topics relating to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, pharmacy, public health, health promotion, nutrition and biomedical sciences. -> Accès à CINAHL CINAHL est une base de données bibliographique qui aborde les domaines des sciences paramédicales et infirmières. On y trouve des articles de périodiques, des thèses, des livres dans différentes langues mais surtout en anglais.

CINAHL indexing 1982-present; Some full text journals from 1937-present; evidence based care sheets; CEU's; research instruments; and more. Learn to use 

As a part of that effort, Nursing Reference Center Plus focuses on ensuring that staff nurses, nurse educators, recent nursing graduates, and nursing students have quick and easy access to the most current information to provide the best care possible to their patients. Library Aware login; Sign In. User ID Password Sign In Request New Account Learn More. Forgot Your Password? Buy EBSCO eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines. Build a DDA event Datum 2021-04-15; label_outline Artikeltyp Aktuellt; MDH-forskning för att förstå och möta kriser.

Features within the CINAHL Plus database include an easy to use interface, you can sign in to create your own work area, save searches and your search history, plus print, e-mail, save or export results, create a bibliography CINAHL Plus with Full Text includes publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. Many of the most popular full-text journals are available with no embargo. In addition, this resource offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice CINAHL with Full Text (EBSCO) Indexes academic journals, standards of practice, trade magazines, continuing education units, dissertations, and more in the fields of nursing and allied health.